Saturday, February 26, 2011

5 Oscar Worthy Comedic Performances

Comedy is probably my favourite genre in film, and it is often ignored by AMPAS. Here are five performances from the past decade that weren't even nominated for an Oscar, but probably should have been (or won).

1. Peter Capaldi as Malcolm Tucker in "In the Loop" (2009)
This is one of the big ones for me. When people were raving about Christoph Waltz, I was raving about Peter Capaldi in the hilarious movie "In the Loop". He curses and yells, and delivers the best dialogue from last decade (really, how did this not at least win Screenplay?) He's scathing, hilarious, and brilliant. Peter Capaldi should have been nominated for Supporting Actor, as his lack of a nomination is harder to swallow than the Oscars not awarding one of the best performances of the decade with a much deserved Oscar.

Best Moment: Yelling at Simon Foster at the beginning of the film.

2. Sally Hawkins as Poppy in "Happy-Go-Lucky" (2008)
This falls under the WTF category. Sally Hawkins gave one of the most beloved performances of 2008. She won a ton of precursors, including a Golden Globe, but somehow managed to miss out on the big prize. This was one of the biggest snubs from the last decade as Hawkins commands the screen, and while many found her annoying, there was just the right amount of annoyance.

Best Moment: Talking with the Hobo, or her final scene with Scott.

3. Colin Farrell as Ray in "In Bruges" (2008)
This was the other Lead in a Comedy Globe winner that was left out in the cold come Oscar night. It was the right amount of comedy and the right amount of drama blended together into one masterful performance. After several rewatches, Farrell soared up my Best Actor list to surpass the eventual winner Sean Penn as my winner.

Best Moment: Midget Fight

4. Bill Nighy as Billy Mack in "Love Actually" (2003)
Bill Nighy plays an aging Rockstar in the movie that Valentine's Day only hoped to be. He's hilarious, obscene, and gives one of the best performances in an ensemble that's one of the best this decade. Bill Nighy is one of the most reliable actors around, and is as usual, great.

Best Moment: His naked promise.

5. Parker Posey as Meg Swan in "Best In Show" (2000)
In my opinion, Miss Posey's snub is one of the worst ones in the history of the Oscars. She's been in my top 10 Supporting Actresses of all time for quite a while, and I don't see her moving from that position any time soon. Her performance is one of the funniest I've seen, and it makes me sad that she's never been nominated for an Oscar.

Best Moment: Finding the Busy Bee


  1. Really? What about Edward Norton in Leaves of grass?

  2. Of the last ten years, Bill Murray and especially Willem Dafoe were snubbed for "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" (Dafoe's my win), as well as Simon Pegg and Nick Frost for "Shaun of the Dead" or "Hot Fuzz." (Neither make my Top 10 in the latter because it's such a strong year.)

    My #2 in 2003 is Billy Bob Thornton in "Bad Santa." He was leaps and bounds better than every nominee that year, even Bill Murray (the only one of the five I nominate).
